I've got to make this brief because of family obligations during the holiday weekend, but I was alerted to the fact that my friend Ted Rall was given a warning by the Daily Kos site, stating his "depiction of Barack Obama as ape-like is intolerable," and such depictions are "racist." His description of the issue is here.
The way Ted draws Barack Obama is absolutely no different than the way he draws people of any race. His style of drawing all people, which he's been doing for well over 20 years old, is purposefully ugly, primitive and brutish, and is in perfect keeping with his editorial worldview. His cartoons are brilliant and provocative, and his unique artwork are an integral part of their effectiveness.
Here is how he drew Jimmy Carter, Bill Cllinton and Barack Obama in a 2010 cartoon:
Here is how he draws George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, from a 2008 cartoon:
I believe that any site or publication has the right to refuse to publish any cartoonist or writer that they don't want in thier pages. And Daily Kos is a great site that has done a world of good not only in American politics, but also for my small world of alternative cartooning, and for me. But to refuse publication specifically on these unwarranted grounds at the very least requires my vocal objection. I'm standing up to say that I believe that Ted's depiction of Barack Obama is no way racist.
(12/1 updated to acknowledge DK)