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Richard Thompson wins the Reuben. And the Ruben.
This week's comic isn't the first time I used Mickey Mouse as the "big reveal" in a comic about intellectual property.
Published three years ago:
Unlike this week's comic, however, the above comic did NOT cause a reversal in Disney's policies.
To comment, please use facebook or twitter (#tomthedancingbug).
(By the way, I'm only leaving the daily Super-Fun-Pak Comix up for a week or so.)
Hours after this week's comic strip, about Disney's application to trademark the phrase "SEAL Team Six," was published, it was reported that Disney withdrew its application!
Victory is ours! Our boys are coming home!
Actual comment on a website explaining a payment option: "I would like to get it all for free, otherwise you will not get my business."
Actually, if you get it all for free, we won't have your business either.
Seriously. I'm so grateful when an item is purchased off the Wish List. A sketch is on its way to the Team Dancing Bug purchaser.
Looking forward to finally reading this.
To purchase your own, click here.
From our friends at Universal Uclick:
Mitch Daniels and Petey Otterloop
Thanks to a loyal member of Team Dancing Bug for sending me Albert Brooks's new book, 2030, off the Wish List. I really appreciate these things.
Click to buy it.
I'm turning out to be quite the cinematic luddite. I hate 3-D, but I especially despise motion-capture animation.
(Oh, and COPYRIGHT 2011 RUBEN BOLLING on "RUIN-TIN-TIN" (tm). All movie reviewers who want to use this have to go through ME!)