February 12, 2007

Name: Teflon Don
Posting date: 2/12/07
Stationed in: Ramadi, Iraq
Milblog url:

The haunting wail of bagpipes is drifting over our corner of Camp Ramadi. Bravo company's amateur pipist is slowly pacing while he practices a song none of us want to hear. The tune he plays is "Amazing Grace." Tomorrow morning he will play it at the memorial service for CPL Shannon, the first member of our task force to die here in Iraq. He fell to an unlucky hit from one of the improvised bombs that litter the roads. He was from another company -- one of the few from that group that I've spoken with. I didn't know him well, but I'm proud to say I knew him. I wrote a poem in his memory that I didn't plan to post, but one of his friends asked me to.

See now, the soldier --
So far away from home
He's staring into night
And wishing it would end

See now, the bomber --
Fighting war for Allah
He's laying in the grime
Waiting by the trigger

See now, the splinter --
Chased by fiery lace
It's flying with the blast
And tearing flesh in flight

See now, the father --
A bomb-hole in his heart
He's weeping for his son
So far away from war

Rest in peace, Steve.


God bless you all serving.
Stay safe.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about CPL Shannon and honoring him in such a personal way.

"I'm sorry" seems such an insignificant thing to say. However, with heart felt sorrow, I am truly sorry.

It is good to have the pipes, the drums, the mournful trumpet sounding taps... we know and we mourn and prepare to go on following the banner into another battle. Always good to remember the fallen, they all have names and places in loved ones' hearts.

I don't think I can add much to Mr. Dungey's comment... Except to say thank you for the wonderful goodbye to Steve...

what a touching tribute made me cry.sorry for the loss.stay safe.peace

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