Election Selections 2016: Pearls Before Swine and More Hilarious Campaign Comics

Coincidentally, United States citizens are also voting on who will become president.


All jokes aside, we're otherwise too worn out to comment on the 2016 US presidential race. Thank heavens we run a comic site! Cartoonists are the commanders in chief of humor, and it's a positively capitolal idea to feature their work on this, the voting-est of days.


Pearls Before Swine's Rat had a particularly rough election season, as he tends to each presidential election cycle. We can't say the world isn't a safer place for it, but we look forward to laughing along should he hit the campaign trail again. 


Cast your eyes upon our collection of comics celebrating the election and its looming finale. It's practically your civic duty!


Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau
Sarah's Scribbles by Sarah Andersen



Rob Rogers by Rob Rogers
Matt Wuerker by Matt Wuerker
Pb160413 (1)
Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis
Pb121028 (1)
Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis



Click to view the full 2016 Election Selections Collection!

Another Mayonnaise Monday: I'll Have the Basset-Harrell Combo, Please?

Well, it's happening again. I had fried foods for lunch and another Mayonnaise Monday (c) blog post is here to bring you to very verge of entertainment. 




Today, we're talking about the crazy/zany antics of Adam@Home. Adam is the brainchild of noted Seattle-ite Brian Basset. Brian has a deep history in the newspaper/cartoon world including a long stint as the editorial cartoonist for The Seattle Times. Brian's dad Gene Basset was also an editorial cartoonist for decades with stops in Honolulu, Indianapolis, Brooklyn, Atlanta (to name a few). Brian retired from Adam back in 2009 to focus on his beautiful Red and Rover comic (also seen here on GoComics).


So, Brian handed off the comic to noted Hoosier Rob Harrell. And Rob's done a great job of keeping the Newman family touching our souls and fracturing every bone in our body. Funny bones that is! That are?


Can you believe Adam@Home has been around since 1984? WTH! Did you also know it was originally just titled "Adam"? Did you also know that cheese curds are very delicious? They don't even need a dipping sauce.


Did you also know that Rob did the critically acclaimed and beautifully executed Big Top comic? Also available here on GoComics and includes a book collection? It's criminal that Big Top didn't get picked up by more newspapers. Sometimes, it can be difficult to figure out why something doesn't work and this is certainly near the top of my list, with other inexplicable launches we had of wonderful comics like Mark Pett's Lucky Cow and Phil Dunlap's Ink Pen that never connected with enough newspaper editors.


Rob has a bunch of best selling books out for young people as well; these include The Monster on the Hill and the Life of Zarf series.


Life of zarf wolf Monsteronthehill_lg

Take a look and see you next Monday!

Fall Back! Daylight Savings Time Endeth

Good morning and welcome to your annual post-Daylight Savings Time, uh -- time!


Well, we say "welcome," but are we being real? Gaining an extra hour of sleep -- while you sleep -- may seem like some kind of phenomenal life cheat code, but there's a steep price to pay…


You will not see the sun again until spring.


That's solid news if you're on the vampiric side (we're not judging), but for those of us who require Vitamin D, enjoy smiling, or don't feel like having a nervous breakdown before the holidays, it's a lot to process.


Fortunately we have comics to distract us from the seeming perma-night we see when we wake up for work and as we commute home:


B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart November 22, 2015






Off the Mark by Mark Parisi November 03, 2007



BUNS by Steven Hill September 08, 2016



Off the Mark by Mark Parisi November 09, 2014



Jeff Stahler by Jeff Stahler March 12, 2016



This strip is from March, but consider this a PSA that you will have to endure an EXTRA hour for the next few days...
Don't you feel better? Now, make sure your clocks are right. It's great that our smartphones auto-update, but you've gotta redo the one on your microwave or it'll trip you up until the spring!

Cliche Day, Belated



Well, yesterday was National Cliche Day and I missed it. But I'm not going to let it get me down because there's no need to cry over spelled milk. M-I-L-K FWIW. 


Interesting enough, today's cliche blog comic is The Elderberries. The Elderberries was originally by Phil Frank and Joe Troise and then Corey Pandolph after Phil had passed away. 


And Corey is heck of an artist so nothing against him, but I think Phil was really one of the great comic artists of all time. Phil had an incredibly skilled line that knew how to use negative space and just the right amount of detail. I loved his lettering too. You don't see lowercase text used very often in newspaper comics. 


You should go check out his work. In addition to The Elderberries, Phil had a gangbusters resume that included the local and much-celebrated comic Farley that he did for The San Francisco Chronicle from 1975 to 2007. And more importantly, he was a prince of a man. Viva P. Frank! 



What to Expect When You're Migrating: Your Beta Data on the New GoComics

GoComics Migration


Beta users, we want to talk to you about The Great Migration of 2017. As we get closer to launching the brand new GoComics, we want to make sure you understand how moving data from the old GC to the new GC will go. After all, we believe in complete transparency -- or, perhaps in this case, 0% opacity? Digital art's got us speaking Photoshop... At any rate, here's how your beta experience plays with your experience on the current GoComics site.


Beta users who have existing accounts on the current GC site will not see any of their beta changes reflected on the current live site. In other words: what happens on the beta, stays on the beta. This includes comments, so we advise you to test, but not get too attached. Beta users are living in the future and no amount of driving 88 mph can send their data to the past. It's science.


However, when we migrate the old GC over to the new site -- effectively merging the original with the beta -- all of your previous GC data will carry over as an addendum to what you did while testing the beta. You won't lose anything in the transition.


This includes your account status. If you have a free account, you stay with a free account. If you have a Pro account, you're now a GoComics Insider (and not just in our hearts).


Feel beta now? We do.


For more information, including answers to a number of specific questions about the new site, please read our warm welcome and our followup FAQ

Onward, to the new GoComics!


Chill Out With Comics This Stress Awareness Day

National Stress Awareness Day is one of those delightfully sorta-fake holidays that's celebrated, like, 30 different days a year -- sometimes for an entire month, even! Google it. It's wild.


Stress itself, though, is all too real! Just ask my coworkers who asked me to finish this post earlier today! I have to leave in 10 minutes to get to go look at an apartment so I can stop sleeping on my friends' couches. It's totally time to get my life back together after hitting rockbottom playing Skyrim Special Edition. It's not my fault I didn't come into work for three days straight without telling anyone! Or that I didn't pay rent at my last place... ever! They wouldn't make games addictive if you weren't supposed to get addicted! I haven't slept in 48 hours and can't stop sweating! Gah! Don't look at me! Look at these comics and take comfort from your solidarity with cartoonists: some of the best stress-dealer-with-ers on the face of the planet!


Owlturd by Shen T Friday, October 14, 2016




Off the Mark by Mark Parisi Sunday, July 24, 2016




Owlturd by Shen T Monday, September 19, 2016




Connie to the Wonnie by Connie Sun Monday, June 20, 2016




Sarah's Scribbles by Sarah Andersen Wednesday, April 06, 2016 Blog_image_3502_2112_Sarah_s_Scribbles_by_Sarah_Andersen_Wednesday__April_06__2016




Connie to the Wonnie by Connie Sun Monday, November 23, 2015




Sarah's Scribbles by Sarah Andersen Wednesday, August 19, 2015




Connie to the Wonnie by Connie Sun Wednesday, April 22, 2015




Sarah's Scribbles by Sarah Andersen Wednesday, January 28, 2015




Brevity by Dan Thompson Thursday, November 23, 2006




Peanuts by Charles Schulz Friday, August 29, 1986


(And don't tell my coworkers about the Skyrim stuff! I told them I was helping my sick aunt!) 


-- Caleb

Literacy, for lack of a better word, is Good

People are always stopping me on the street and asking me, "John, why is literacy important to our modern-day 21st Century youth culture?" 


It's a fair and surprisingly specific question that requires a complicated answer. I mean, personally, I've never been a big fan of books. And in the past I'd be all like "Books aren't for cool people. They're way too wordy" and then I'd rollerblade over to the discotheque.


But then I started to really think about it ... all the knowledge in the world is in books. Everything. If you'd just take some time from your busy schedule to read every single book you'd be the smartest person in the world. So why not do it today?


No? What's holding you back? Perhaps you should ease your way into it. Comics are probably the best way to start reading. Not only do they have funny dialogue but there are also pictures that will make you smile your biggest smile. 


A lot of expert sources (including Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas*) call comics a "gateway to serious reading" or "perfect for the reluctant reader." So why not pick up some really great comic books and gateway yourself to new worlds and funny moments? 


Here are a few I recommend: 


The Complete Far Side



Complete far side


Ghostly Thief of Time

Emu club


Breaking Cat News

Bcn book


Adulthood is a Myth



Big Nate's Greatest Hits

Big nate greatest hits


Fowl Language: Welcome to Parenting


Fowl language book cover


Heart and Brain: Gut Instincts

Gut instincts


100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings

100 tricks


Phoebe and Her Unicorn

 Phoebe cover


The Complete Cul de Sac

Complete cds



Mayonnaise Monday: Gilligan's Revenge



It's Mayonnaise Monday again. I know. I know. It feels like we do this every week, but I assure you it is actually only on Mondays.


Today, we highlight one of our fine Canadian friends on the Universal Uclick syndicate roster. His name is Paul Gilligan and not only are we celebrating Mayonnaise Monday with Paul, but today is also his birthday. Pooch Cafe is a wonderful comic full of all of the best kinds of characters that will make you smile and think and then smile again. 


If you were to boil down Pooch Cafe, you could accurately describe it as "Cheers" or perhaps "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" for dogs. The canine gang meets down at the cafe and comes up with various schemes. Including my favorite recurring story line, where they try to get financing to build a catapult big enough to hurtle all the world's cats into the sun.


Paul's been doing Pooch since 2001 and he's been making us laugh for just as long. One time a newspaper cancelled Pooch Cafe and a mob of readers became so enraged that they burned down the newspaper building. Or so they thought, the mob organizer got the address wrong and they mistakenly torched a Taco Bell instead. Luckily, no one was hurt and it actually smelled pretty good for a while. Let's just say the editor reinstated Pooch Cafe pretty quickly after that. 


Happy Birthday, Paulie G.! You are the bee's knees and ankles!

Mayo monday goodbye

White-Hot Crossover Madness!



"Stranger Things" meets "A Charlie Brown Christmas." 


Thanks to the Travis Hilton for the heads up.

Hot, new and so delicious: Wallace the Brave


When I first read "Wallace the Brave" by Will "The Big Ginger" Henry I got warm all over. You know the feeling I'm taking about, right? Like the first time you heard "Waterfalls" by TLC? Or when your dad finally said, "I am not entirely embarrassed by you, now pass me my clamwich," at your 40th birthday party at Long John Silver's? Well, if you're up for that sort of life-affirming moment, I suggest you skip, not walk, over to the Wallace the Brave page on GoComics.


Will's a Rhode Islander (fyi: not an actual island) and he draws in the front window of the liquor store he runs with his family near the waterfront. No sampling while you're drawing, Will. LOL! 


Below are some highlights of recent "Wallace" comics that tickled my funny bone in the exact way it likes to be tickled. Keep it up, Will. I see a bright orange future for your ginger ways. And get a load of that art! WTH! 












Wtb161003 (1)






Doonesbury is 46



Mercy. Forty-six years ago (October 26, 1970) Doonesbury debuted in 29 newspapers. 


Andrews McMeel Universal co-founder John McMeel often tells the story of being in the office of The Baltimore Sun pitching Doonesbury to the editor. The editor read through the first six weeks, dropped the sales kit to his desk and paused for a moment to look down his glasses at John.


After another moment, the editor asked, "What's a good Catholic boy like you doing selling crap like this?"


One Pulitzer Prize, 1,400 newspapers, a Broadway play, an NBC TV special, A Reuben award, dozens of controversies and pulled strips later, Doonesbury has lived to tell one of the longest narratives in the history of humankind. 


Garry Trudeau is "one hell of a cartoonist, but he is also one hell of a guy" (John McMeel's words). When more established and deeper-pocketed syndicates came calling, Garry stayed loyal to Universal.


And Garry's latest Doonesbury book Yuge! is still lighting up the best seller lists. Yuge is a spot-on chronicle of Donald Trump that covers more than two decades and will blow you away with its dead-on accuracy of this remarkable presidential candidate. 




We could not be prouder that Doonesbury was the first comic launched by Universal Press Syndicate. It established the company as a syndicate that did things decidedly different than the other syndicates at the time (and mostly attached to large media corporations). 


So today we say thank you and happy birthday to the strip and the man that helped make us who we are today. HBD, GBT!


Viva La Doonesbury! Viva La Trudeau!

Heart and Brain are Back!

Good news, "The Awkward Yeti" fans! Nick Seluk’s new book, Heart and Brain: Gut Instincts, is here!


Junk food or salad? Dreams or reality? Work or play?


Heart and Brain are back for their hilarious second collection, following the wildly popular Heart and Brain: An Awkward Yeti Collection. The duo can never seem to agree when it comes to what the “right” decision is, making for uproarious dialogue between the characters. Especially when logical Brain doesn’t approve of Heart’s spontaneous and unhealthy decisions, like pizza.



Filled with the same favorites from the first collection, Heart and Brain: Gut Instincts adds some new organs to the mix with insatiable Tongue...



irritable Bowels...



and abused Stomach...


Grab a copy of Nick’s new book here and make sure to follow "The Awkward Yeti" on GoComics!




Pop on your porkpies! It's time for another installment of "Mayonnaise Monday!"


Today we're highlighting a young upstart on the scene by the name of Stephan T. Pastis (aka STP). In his LOL-take above, Stephan takes mayonnaise and weaponizes it ... which is something I've dreamt about since the 7th grade.


Let's flashback to 1980, yes?


Setting: JG's room. He's alone and wearing a cape. It's too small for him but he doesn't seem to mind. 


JG: How 'bout I blast you with my mayonnaise magma canon? How does the steel-eggy goodness of my Mayo Saber taste! Perhaps a 'Naissy Bomb dropped on your town square? Look on my works, ye Mayo and despair!


... and Scene!


Now back to 2016.


Stephan's patented brand of painfully hysterical puns and pushing the "good taste envelope"** have lead him to awards nominations out the ying-yang and a client list of more than 800 newspapers. He's also one of the most popular features on GoComics and in quiet times will often reflect he thinks that wearing black clothes helps accentuate his facial hair.  


Stephan is also releasing another wonderful collection later this fall. It's called "Stephan's Web of Lies" and it's chock full of Pearls humor and the cover is just a sensational parody of Charlotte's Web. Donna Oatney over at Andrews McMeel Publishing was instrumental in getting it to pop off the page and into our hearts. Thanks, Donna! Thanks STP! 


Pearls web cover


* PS: (c) 2016 J.Glynndustries 

** PPS: Look for my new character "The Good Taste Envelope" coming soon! 

Cartoonist Gifts Massive Original Art Collage to Cleveland Hospital

Nobody wants to go to the hospital, but thanks to the curation skills of Pajama Diaries creator Terri Libenson, plus the work of 34 of her professional cartoonist peers, a visit to one Cleveland facility is now a much easier pill to swallow.


University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center now has a massive collage containing 36 black and white 5″ x 5″ character sketches by Libenson, Jim Allen (The Beauforts), Mark Anderson (Andertoons), Sunny Artanis, Tom Batiuk, Jim Borgman, Charles Brubaker (Ask a Cat), Jenny Campbell (Flo and Friends), Dave Coverly (Speed Bump), Brian Crane (Pickles), Rich Diesslin, Scott Ebisch, Hy Eisman, Graham Harrop (Ten Cats), Bill Holbrook, Scott Jensen, Polly Keener, Rick Kirkman, Jeff Knurek, Mike Lynch, Jef Mallett (Frazz), Mark Parisi (Off the Mark), Jeff Parker, Stephan Pastis (Pearls Before Swine), Lincoln Peirce (Big Nate), Hilary Price, John Rose, Pat Sandy (Next Door Neighbors), George Schill, Maria Scrivan (Half Full), John Steventon, Mark Tatulli (Heart of the City), Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes) and Wayno (WaynoVision). Jan Elliot (Stone Soup) created two pieces.


The collage was inspired by Libenson's daughter, who worked with friends to create and gift original paintings and new stuffed animals to patients at Cleveland’s Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital last October as part of her Bat Mitzvah. The project was such a success, Libenson's husband Mike Davis suggested that they could work on a project for the adjoining University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center featuring donated art from her cartoonist peers.


"I put a call out for b/w 5" x 5" character sketches, and over the next few months we received a steady stream of contributions. The artwork included a variety of media, from Sharpie drawings, to pencil sketches, to ink washes, to a full-on painting," Libenson explained on her Pajama Diaries blog.


Libenson explained that she tried to get as many local cartoonists to contribute as she could, particularly those who appear in the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper, since the artist's characters would be the easiest for local families to recognize.


The sketches were collected over the course of several months and assembled within one approximately 41-by-58 inch frame. Hospital visitors of all ages can view the collage in the Humphrey Way area.


Cleveland.com had Libenson recount her curation process here:





For more information -- and many more collage images -- head over to Cleveland.com and Libenson's Pajama Diaries site.

HOT NEWS! The New Jim Benton Book is a Mouthful of Belly Laughs

Jb cursive


    Fresh and hot off the presses like a delicious huckleberry pie, cartoonist and author extraordinaire Jim Benton has a new book out from our pals at Andrews McMeel Publishing. It's called "I Hate Cursive" and it made me laugh like no one was watching. And we all know that's not true as I can feel the eyes of demons lemons on me at all times. So thank you, Jim, for that brief respite. 


    Jim's an incredibly prolific New York Times best-selling writer and artist and you know him already from his Happy Bunny, Franny K. Stein and/or Dear Dumb Diary book series. Jim is also one of the most upvoted users on all of reddit. And they hate everything!


    Of course, that's nowhere near the limit of JB's resume. In fact several sources close to the situation have told me that he may or may not be a very big fan of Tony Danza. 


Jbs death snickers

Jbs jass band



25 Comics for 25 Years: Lincoln Peirce Shares His Favorite Strips

Celebrating 25 years of Big Nate! Creator Lincoln Peirce shares his long journey with our favorite sixth-grade Renaissance Man, along with his favorite 25 Big Nate strips from the past 25 years. 




Back when I started Big Nate, I remember reading that most comic strips lasted only two or three years.  And early on, it looked like Big Nate was going to be one of those that didn’t make it.  I’m grateful it stuck around — not only because I can’t think of another way I’d rather make a living, but because two or three years just isn’t enough time for a strip to hit its stride.  Big Nate first appeared in 1991, and when I look at the strips I did in the early and mid-nineties, I can see that I was learning on the job.  I was figuring out how to write good gags, how to draw consistently, and how to construct interesting storylines day after day.  Berke Breathed of Bloom County once said that comic strips have a shelf life of about ten years before they start declining, but I respectfully disagree:  after doing Big Nate for ten years, I felt like I was just scratching the surface.  I believed that my best days were ahead of me.  I still feel that way.  


Looking back on a quarter century’s worth of Big Nate is a reminder that events often unfold in ways you might not have predicted.  I started the strip thinking I’d focus on Nate’s family and home life; instead, the strip is largely concerned with Nate’s school adventures.  I used to feature Nate’s own comics — simple cartoon drawings on lined notebook paper — several times per month; now I don’t feature them at all.  Once-prominent  characters like Ellen and Jenny have faded into the background, making room for the likes of Gina, Chad, School Picture Guy, and a host of others.  But the more things change, the more they remain the same:  Nate is still an energetic and exasperating sixth grade boy, just as he was in 1991.  And even though I’m now in my early 50’s, I still feel closely connected to the experiences of middle school.  Once, while giving a talk at a local library, I was asked, “How do you stay inside the mind of an 11 year-old boy?”  And my answer was:  “I never left.”


When my friends at GoComics asked me to pick my Top 25 Big Nate strips, I decided to select one from each year.  In this election season, making sure that every year from 1991 to 2015 was represented seemed like the democratic thing to do.  This isn’t meant to be a list of the “best” 25 strips I’ve ever done.  Some strips are here because they’re personal favorites, others because they mark some sort of milestone.  Some are included simply because they crack me up.  That’s a comic strip’s ultimate bottom line, after all:  it’s got to be funny.  So here they are, from 25 all the way to number 1, with comments included for the Top Ten:


10.  September 24, 2010  



Chad has become one of my favorite characters in recent years.  He’s got this endearingly sunny disposition, and he’s totally guileless — a complete innocent.  Contrast that with Coach John’s psycho drill sergeant persona, and this is the result. 



9.   April 4, 1999   



What can I say?  I like writing poems. 



8.   April 20, 2011   



This strip is a favorite for several reasons.  First, you’ve got the good-natured teasing that is so frequent among middle school boys.  Second, you have the gag in the third panel.  And finally, there's the vision of Nate and Francis laughing uproariously in panel #4.  Laughter is contagious. 



7.   October 17, 2012  



This sounds obvious, but a really important part of cartooning is drawing funny pictures.  My drawing skills are average at best, so when I make a drawing I’m 100% happy with, that’s news.  I love the expression on Nate’s face in panel #4.  I don’ think I can draw him any funnier than that.



6.   November 27, 1992   



Doctor Cesspool isn’t just a character in Nate’s notebook; he’s a character I invented when I was in sixth grade, and he was a big part of Big Nate during the first few years.  Featuring Nate’s comics as part of the strip allowed me to write different kinds of gags.  It was like doing two strips instead of one. 



5.   May 27, 2000  



Charles Schulz, the creator of Peanuts and my boyhood hero, died in February of 2000.  Later that spring, the National Cartoonists Society invited its members to include a tribute to Peanuts in our own strips.  This was my effort.  Charlie Brown is probably the most iconic character in the history of comic strips, so drawing him in Big Nate was a thrill and an honor.



4.   November 1, 2008  



One of the longest storylines I ever did involved Nate and his P.S. 38 classmates being temporarily relocated to Jefferson — their rival school.  The climax is an epic soccer match in which Nate, the goalkeeper, makes a great save to win the game.  Big Nate is a strip that relies heavily on dialogue, and having the chance to do a wordless strip was a real treat.  And this storyline generated a lot of reaction from readers, who were happy to see Nate be the hero.



3.   June 28, 2015   



I'm very fond of slapstick humor and the types of pratfalls that might be possible in real life but are highly unlikely to actually occur.  You could try to describe a gag like this in words; you could try to film it using actors or even animate it.  But there are certain gags that just seem to work best in the comic strip format. 



2.   February 22, 1997   



I think this strip succeeds because it takes something we’re all familiar with — the way teachers use emojis to rate academic performance — and then doubles down by including an image that’s one of the most memorable emojis in the history of art.  Even if readers have never seen Edvard Munch’s painting The Scream, they understand the gag.  



1. September 15, 2007   



There’s nothing especially significant about this strip, but it's one of my favorite gags ever, and I think it really sums up Big Nate.  Nate receives some information; he processes that information differently than anyone else would; he expresses his feelings in a way that is uniquely his own; and he gets in trouble as a result.  That’s pretty much what the strip is all about.



When I was twelve years old, I bought a 25th anniversary treasury of my favorite comic strip called Peanuts Jubilee.  I read it over and over, astonished by the fact that Charles Schulz had been creating strips about Charlie Brown & friends for so long.  But now that I’ve logged the same amount of time with my own comic strip, I realize that 25 years isn’t very long at all.  It’s gone by in the blink of an eye.  And I’ve decided that there’s nothing particularly noteworthy about sitting at my drawing table and producing a comic strip each day.  It’s my job, and it’s also what I love to do.  The amazing part is that there are so many people out there who apparently care about Big Nate almost as much as I do.  Thank you, Big Nate readers!  Your devotion to the strip is what has enabled me to continue writing and drawing it for as long as I have, and it’s been my pleasure.  Time will tell if I have another quarter century in me, but I look forward to keeping you entertained for many years to come.


See all 25 of Lincoln's favorite Big Nate comic strips here!





PREORDER EPIC BIG NATE - Hundreds of cartoons, selected by Peirce and presented with his witty and informative commentary, trace the evolution of the Big Nate comic strip and its colorful cast of characters. Also included is an exclusive Q&A featuring Peirce and Diary of a Wimpy Kid author Jeff Kinney, detailing the friendship and mutual admiration that contributed to each cartoonist’s success.

It's Yuge! and It's Breathtaking!


I rather enjoyed (and thought I would share) this wonderful piece of promotional art the Doonesbury team worked up with us to help promote Garry Trudeau's New York Times' best seller Yuge!

Mayonnaise Monday: An epic Big Nate episode



"Hee Haw!" is what you'll shout when you realize that Lincoln Peirce's Big Nate has been around for 25 years.


You: 25? Really? What year is this? 


I know, right? Doesn't it seem like such a young, fresh strip? But I'd suggest we cast off our velvet cloak of surprise and drink heartily from the Grand Chalice of Big Nate Celebrating its Silver Anniversary.


I would like to note that there is no truth to the rumor that Lincoln based Coach John's (pictured above with Nate) look and feel on yours truly. We didn't even know each other when he introduced Coach John in the strip. But maybe Lincoln could feel me in his heart? Maybe he felt that a man of my carriage and bombast was to play an integral part in his future? Too wild to consider? Perhaps. Per-haps. 


Meanwhile, our pals over at Andrews McMeel Publishing thought it would be a great opportunity to release a collection celebrating those 25 years and I agreed with them by drinking from the Grand Chalice of Agreement. 


Check it out ... Epic Big Nate. It's out October 25th and it features Lincoln's work from 1991 to 2015 and will make you smile in your mouth and your heart like you were drinking from the Grand Chalice of Happiness.   



Epic big nate cover



Kidnapped Marmaduke Story Blows Up



So true about the old cliche that the camera adds three chins and thins/greys your hair.


Recap: New York Comic Con

Read Comics Every Day


We had such a great time at New York Comic Con! To all of our amazing GoComics fans and to our fabulous comic creators (Bill Amend, Sarah Andersen, Stephan Pastis, Lincoln Peirce, Nick Seluk) who attended, thank you! We had an absolute blast and hope you did too!



From creator signings to sneak peeking the new GoComics.com … to Big Nate’s 25th birthday party, NYCC truly was one for the books.


In case you couldn’t make it to New York (we missed you!), enjoy this photo recap from our crazy-fun weekend:



Bill Amend (FoxTrot) and Stephan Pastis (Pearls Before Swine) had a joint signing! And, yes, a lot of fun was made (at each other).


We celebrated Big Nate’s birthday in style. For the comic’s 25th anniversary, we threw Big Nate a birthday bash! Here’s creator Lincoln Peirce being interviewed by an adorable fan.




The Awkward Yeti (left) and Sarah’s Scribbles (right) fans came in droves to meet creators Nick Seluk and Sarah Andersen. We’re surprised their hands didn’t fall off after all of those signings!



And we had daily giveaways, including this sweet Awkward Yeti prize pack. We also gave away copies of Epic Big Nate, The Complete Calvin and Hobbes, and The Complete Far Side! Congrats to the four lucky winners!

We can’t wait to see you next year! GoComics is already dreaming up ways to make NYCC 2017 even better.


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