Frank Buda is one of or the most generous guys I know (and, we share the same birthday and neither one of us is talking about what year!). Twice a year he hosts a big party for his friends of which he has many. We are so lucky to be on this invitation list. On Easter he always has an indoor/outdoor soiree in his historic Ansley Park (Atlanta) home. The Easter brunch features a hat contest with X-rated prizes. If you don't arrive in a hat at this party, one is issued to you at the front door. It's much better to wear your own!
The party consists of four parts. The first part is a greeting a the door where each guest is greeted by the host who always wears a different outfit. This year was the year of "Cowboy Frank."
The host, Cowboy Frank and Susan
Part two is mingling and oogling at the hat creations. Some guests spend hours designing and making their hats. Some spend 15 minutes at Marshall's or TJ Maxx making a choice. Some hats are creative and beautiful; some tacky and some aren't worth mentioning.
Check out the hats! Note the color-coordinated shirts.
You have to have very good posture to wear the hat on the left. He did. The other hat is good for rain or shine.
These guys preferred to bring their own Easter bunnies.
Part three is the buffet with choices of meats, cheese, salads and desserts all artfully displayed on the dining room table. Most of the people at this buffet are NOT on a "diet."
CC filling his plate from the beautiful table. Look at that centerpiece! CC fits right into the color scheme as does the guy behind him.
Part four is the awarding of prizes for best hats at which time the x-rated gifts are handed out.
Waiting for the awards. (I thought the lady in the white dress should have won the Audrey Hepburn award. I also like the hat beside her--not CC).
Best Couple Hats! This is one of many awards.
We always leave saying Frank is the most generous man we know and we appreciate being included on the guest list. If we're lucky, we'll see some of these same folks on Christmas Eve.
We love you, Frank! Happy Trails to you until we meet again.......
Frank Buda, MD
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