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Lindsay Gibson

yum! yum! yum!


I remember! You can do it! And, yes, the book will help you a lot. Keep cooking!

Dustin Toliver

It's me! The nice gentleman you met on the plane ride back to Atlanta from Baltimore! I won't eat anything with cheese or anything too milky, but this looks amazing. I'm going to try to make it tonight (since my wife, as you might remember, does not cook). I'm glad I found your site, I guess I'll have to buy the book now to see what other ideas you have.

Jan Norris

Am SO not a fan of shrimp with cheese, so I love it as is. Terrific ingenuity! You look so cute in a headlamp...though the headband oddly resembles men's underwear waistbands...just sayin'.

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Susan Nicholson is an Atlanta-based cookbook author and registered dietitian.

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